How the First Trillion-Dollar Brand Conquered the World

Apple is the first publicly traded company to reach a market capitalization of one trillion dollars. How did a couple of guys named Steve change the way the world interacts with technology, and the way people interact with each other? How did they create the company that went on to have a global impact from a garage in Palo-Alto, California?

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Design Thinking to Drive Innovation and Revenue

Whether you know it or not, design thinking is everywhere.

Close your eyes and think about the elegance and power associated with a new Corvette convertible. The beautiful, bold color and curved body make it a sight to behold. You lean down to get in, your body positioned just a few inches off the road. This is exactly what a sports car should feel like.

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10 Ways to Realize Your Company’s Full Potential

Imagine what your business would look like performing at its full potential.

Would your corporate space or website be designed differently than it is now? Do employees and consumers engage on a deeper level? Is the company more involved with the community and advocates?

This visioning exercise can reveal where your business is underperforming and prioritize upcoming marketing initiatives.

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